The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, which means it’s prone to damage and injuries. Shoulder injections at Integrated Pain Consultants can help you enjoy reduced pain and more mobility and flexibility. However, joint injections are usually only recommended after more conservative treatments such as physical therapy and modifying activities have failed. Patients who are often good candidates for shoulder injections include those with adhesive capsulitis, osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis, distal clavicular osteolysis, impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tendonitis, inflamed bursa, and sub-deltoid bursitis. However, the actual type of shoulder injection will depend on the injury and area.
The shoulder actually has multiple joints, which means there are multiple sites for possible injections. The glenohumeral joint is where the humerus and glenoid fossa meet. This is actually the body’s most mobile joint because it’s not a genuine “ball and socket joint.” Numerous ligaments and muscles support this joint including the rotator cuff. Joint injections in this area are typically for a “frozen shoulder” and primary types of arthritis. OA in the shoulder is usually caused by either age or a traumatic injury that leads to weakness, pain, and lack of mobility. An injection in this joint can be performed from the front, top, or back of the shoulder.
The acromioclavicular (AC) shoulder joint connects the clavicle to the acromion. Here, the AC ligament is pretty weak so it doesn’t offer much help with stability. Instead, a different ligament is a major support—and thus the most common ligament injured in an AC sprain (AKA a separated shoulder). One of the most common causes of this injury is repetitive weight training and OA. Pain and tenderness are common.
The subacromial space of the shoulder can also be injured, which is a leading cause of impingement syndrome. Throwing, pushing, pulling, and weight training are all common causes of this type of pain. You can also injure the long head of the biceps tendon, which happens regularly in weight lifters, rock climbers, and masons. However, regardless of the type of shoulder injury or how it happened, shoulder injections may help. Schedule a detailed evaluation by calling Integrated Pain Consultants at (480) 626-2552.