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Sign Up For The Ipc Newsletter And Stay In The Know

May 11, 2020
Sign Up For The Ipc Newsletter And Stay In The Know
We understand that you’re particular about what’s in your inbox (we are, too). That’s why the Integrated Pain Consultants newsletter is created and curated with only topics that are relevant to you. You’ll only hear from us once a month, our newsletter....

We understand that you’re particular about what’s in your inbox (we are, too). That’s why the Integrated Pain Consultants newsletter is created and curated with only topics that are relevant to you. You’ll only hear from us once a month, our newsletter is advertisement-free, and we’ll never share your information with other parties or sites. We’re all about helping to relieve and manage your pain—not giving (or worsening) that pain in your neck caused by having too many emails or content that isn’t helpful to you.

Too often, for any type of pain, your MD might recommend medical management or surgery. In some cases management with medications might be helpful, but many of these medications are addictive and meant for only very short-term use. Most people also want to avoid or delay surgery whenever possible because every surgery, no matter how minor, comes with risks. A lot of surgeries also come with serious downtime. Isn’t there something more than these two options?

Yes. And that’s what we’ll share with you every month in the IPC newsletter – sign up today.


If you’ve checked out our website or seen “Top Doc” Dr. Nikesh Seth or chiropractor Dr. Weinberg, you already know we offer a lot of alternative therapies and treatments in our clinic. We’re always keeping our eye on the latest options for pain management, so you can count on our clinic routinely adopting and offering very effective and safe options for addressing your pain. Our newsletter highlights key options and explains the benefits in a quick, informative, and educational manner.

Some of the recent topics covered in the Integrated Pain Consultants newsletter include “Is Sciatica Causing My Back Pain?” Sciatica is one of the most common but misunderstood kinds of pain with 40% of people suffering from it at some point in their life—so the answer is, it just might be causing your pain but we’re here to help! “When Can I Play Sports Again?” is another recent topic we covered. Did you know there are over 8,000 kinds of sports and that 25% of adults play a sport on a regular basis? Sports are a fantastic way to keep fit and healthy, but they do come with the risk of injury.

The newsletter will also introduce you to our latest team members, such as Dr. Minesh Zaveri, and ensure you’re the first to know when we start new services like chiropractic care that we recently began offering a few months ago. This newsletter is also how we’ll keep connected while apart during COVID-19. Integrated Pain Consultants has stayed open during the pandemic, taking extra precautions to ensure patient and staff safety. We know that your pain doesn’t take vacations, and in unprecedented circumstances we remain dedicated to our patients. You can always find up to the minute operating information on our website, but the newsletter consolidates that information and is sent directly to you.


We know you have a choice when it comes to subscribing to newsletters and the content you consume. The IPC newsletter includes educational news, features, and seasonal information to help you and your loved ones stay healthy and keep pain in check. Right now we’re in uncharted territory, especially with more and more people switching up their usual workouts for home-based alternatives. Many people are working from home (with non-ergonomic setups). Plus, the connection between physical pain and stress or anxiety is well-known—and all of us are experiencing a little more of that these days.

When you subscribe to the IPC newsletter, you’ll be the first to know about options for managing your pain. You can count on the newsletters to be brief, packed with information that’s easy to digest as you work on your home latte or cold brew, and of course we’re always here for you if you’d like more information on a particular topic. Subscribe today and let’s stay connected—safely. You can also schedule a detailed evaluation at Integrated Pain Consultants by booking your appointment online or calling (480) 626-2552.