Guitarist, songwriter, and founding Queen member Brian May shared an Instagram story recently that detailed exactly what happened to him in early June. Like many patients at Integrated Pain Consultants, May experienced a minor injury that led to excruciating physical and psychological pain. According to May, he was gardening at home when he tore his gluteus maximum muscle, a seemingly small injury that snowballed into a nightmare.
One week after the gardening incident, May reported that he was on “severe painkillers” that were doing little to numb the pain. He returned to his doctor for an MRI that revealed a compressed sciatic nerve. This nerve spreads from the lower back to the hips and butt, then down the leg. Sciatica is a common type of pain. May said in his IG video, “I could not believe the pain. I had the feeling that someone was putting a screwdriver in my back the whole time. It was excruciating.”
Gardening is a recommended hobby for just about everyone, including the 72-year-old Rockstar. He said that he considered himself very healthy before this incident, and even touted his “great blood pressure.” He prioritized staying fit and healthy, but has since discovered that in addition to sciatica he also suffered a small heart attack during the incident. His doctors have since discovered three clogged arteries after conducting an angiogram and have recommended triple bypass surgery.
May prefers more conservative treatments and has opted for a stent instead. He’s quick to share that he’s stopped taking painkillers, aware of how dangerous and addictive they can be. He hasn’t shared what his treatment plan is for his nerve pain, but he has plenty of options if he seeks out alternative and conservative pain management care. Epidural steroid injections, radiofrequency ablation, and sympathetic blocks are just a few possibilities. If you suffer from nerve pain or any pain, Integrated Pain Consultants can help. Give us a call at (480) 626-2552.