The knee is one of the most commonly injured joints, particularly amongst athletes, and one of the most common injuries treated by Dr. Nikesh Seth. Both professional and amateur athletes are at a high risk of knee injuries, including adolescent athletes who might be gearing up for a potential pro career in their chosen sport. Researchers at the Consumer Product Safety Commission used the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System to estimate that there are 2.29 knee injuries for every 1,000 people. Surprisingly, those between the ages of 15 – 24 suffer the highest rate of knee injuries (children under the age of five experience the lowest).
Most knee injuries are caused by strains and sprains at 42.1%. Contusions and abrasions make up 27.1% of injuries, while lacerations and puncture wounds account for 10.5%. By far, most knee injuries happen when people are playing sports or partaking in other types of recreation at 49.3%. Injuries are also often caused by “home structures” at 30.2% and “home furnishings” at 13.6%. Males tend to injure their knees playing basketball moreso than women, while those aged 65+ hurt their knees more often when navigating ramps, stairs, and landings.
Knee injuries can be physically excruciating and devastating in many ways—young athletes might be told that they can’t pursue a sports scholarship, while older adults might find that knee injuries seriously interfere with their mobility and independence. However, there might be alternatives to pain medication and surgery, for example knee injections. Joint injections can be highly effective at minimizing pain and stiffness from joint inflammation and irritation. Both chronic and acute knee pain may be treatable with a variety of injection options. Restoring movement while reducing pain is the key to knee injury management, and allows patients to get back the most range of motion and function possible.
Knee injections offer immediate pain relief and can include facet joint injections, corticosteroid injections, and more. Schedule your appointment online with Integrated Pain Consultants today for fast relief and alternative options to treating knee pain and injuries.